Make life easier by learning a few tricks on browsing online.
- If the text is too small on a web page and you want to make it larger:
Zoom in: Press “Control” (or “Command” on Mac) and the “+” (plus key) together.
- If the text is too large on a web page and you want to make it smaller:
Zoom out: Press “Control” (or “Command” on Mac) and the “-” (minus key) together.
- If you would like to make the text back to the default size:
Reset to default: Press “Control” (or “Command”On Mac) and the “0” (Zero key) together
- To refresh your web page or clear your cache
Press “Control,” (or “Command” on Mac), and “Shift,” and “R” together
- Close a web page
Press “Control” (or “Command” on Mac) and W together
- Closed a webpage by mistake and want it back?
Press “Control” (or “Command” on Mac) and “Shift,” and “T,” together and it will reappear.