Using your computer in the wrong manner can cause unnecessary strain to your body. Overuse of your arms, neck, shoulders, back and wrists as well as eye strain can be avoided by using the right type of equipment and following the right posture.
Prolonged sitting in front of your computer can cause lack of blood circulation in your body which can lead to stiffness and pain in your joints and muscles. Use an adjustable table or stand that allows you to work while sitting or standing and more importantly, take frequent breaks.
Make sure that your monitor is positioned correctly. It should be at eye level or slightly lower to avoid strain in your neck and shoulders.
Adjust your keyboard such that your elbow rests comfortably, keeping your forearms parallel to the floor. Ergonomic keyboards can be helpful as they are constructed in a “V” shape, to allow a slight angle for easier typing and to avoid stress to your wrists.
Your mouse should be at the same height as your keyboard and positioned close enough to you such that you use your whole arm and not just your wrist when using it. Vertical ergonomic mice are also available to reduce wrist and lower arm pain.
Your chair height should be such that both your feet rest flat on the floor. You can use a foot stool for extra comfort or an ergonomic chair to reduce back strain from prolonged sitting.
To prevent eye strain, tilt your monitor slightly to avoid direct light into your eyes. You can also adjust the brightness and contrast of your screen. Always take frequent breaks away from the monitor to give your eyes a rest.
I hope these tips help you in using your computer correctly. If you have any questions or need recommendations on ergonomic equipment, please feel free to contact me at (561) 880‐5678 or email [email protected]