Learn these commands and you will find yourself skyrocketing through document creation at an amazing speed:
Ctrl + C to copy (For Mac, Command + C), Ctrl + V to paste (For Mac, Command + V).
If you made mistake in your document, you can undo your last action by pressing CTRL + Z (For Mac, Command + Z).
To undo actions prior to the last action, keep tapping the Z key while holding down the CTRL Button (Command for Mac).
Each tap on the Z key will undo the prior action.
To re‐do your last action. Press on CTRL + Y (For Mac, Command + Y).
If you want to delete entire words at a time, instead of slowly poking the keyboard to delete one letter at a time, simply press CTRL + Backspace (For Mac, Command + Backspace) with the cursor placed after a word you want to erase).
You can also use multiple clicks to select portions of copy. Employing the boring drag and highlight method can take a very big part of your time, so you can use your mouse to select portions of copy. First double‐click over a word or sentence in order to highlight it and then triple‐click and it will highlight a complete sentence or section of your document.